【ライブ配信】NATSUYO INOUE The Night Before Summer Vacation Streaming LIVE
名古屋生まれ。3才からクラシックヴァイオリンを習う。洋楽、アメリカ、さらには歌う事が好きだった。音大進学を決めたが、Anita O‘dayに衝撃を受け、進学を辞めジャズボーカリストを目指し単身渡米。NYに6年在住。Village Gateのオープンマイクオーディションに合格。ライブ活動をスタートする。帰国後は名古屋でジャズを中心にライブ、イベントなど幅広く活動。2017年上京を機に、三槻直子氏に師事。都内ジャズクラブで活動中。
2021 8.12 THU.
[1st]Open7:30pm Start8:00pm
NATSUYO INOUE (Vocal) 井上夏代(ヴォーカル)
YUICHIRO ARATAKE (Piano) 荒武裕一朗(ピアノ)
・After purchasing the ticket, refunds cannot be made for any reasons other than postponement or cancellation of the performance.
・Please be sure to review the system requirements and instructions for each streaming service platform before purchasing.
・We will do our very best to prepare for high-quality live streaming performances. However, due to the nature of live streaming on the Internet, there may be temporary pausing and/or disruptions caused by unexpected technical problems.
・We are not responsible for viewing or browsing problems caused by your Internet connection.
・Customers are responsible for all Internet access costs and landline costs.
It is expected that the data usage will increase due to the live streaming performances. We recommend using a stable and high-speed internet connection (Wi-Fi etc) to enhance the quality of your viewing experience.
・As this event will be streamed live, you will not be able to playback what you have missed.
・The copyright of the video for live streaming distribution and recorded distribution belongs to OWL WING RECORD Co.,Ltd. Viewers are not allowed to use or record any contents (video, image, audio , or other copyrighted materials) without permission from OWL WING RECORD Co.,Ltd.